3 Cs – God’s Claims on You – Part 2
you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:20
In typical preacher style, here’s the second ‘C’ of the claims that God has on you.
Today, we’re talking about ‘Calvary’, where Jesus was crucified.
There’s a clever analogy about a father and son. The father is a judge and his son finds himself on trial in court, guilty as charged. The father knows his son could never afford to pay. His heart breaks for him. But he’s also a judge with a job to do – he can’t just turn a blind eye to the law for the sake of his guilty son. What does the judge do?…
When Christ hung beaten and bloodied at Calvary, like a man guilty on trial, God the Judge tore off His robes and cried, ‘Debt paid!’ ‘The Lord has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west’ (Psalm 103:12). Justice done. Debt paid.
The value of something is determined by the price a buyer is willing to pay for it. At Calvary, God was shouting right to us, to me, to you, right now – ‘This is how much I love and value you!’ Your Creator became your Redeemer. Mankind doesn’t know what it is, doesn’t understand itself at all, until it is confronted with this God. Calvary means that you have value because you belong to God, not because He wanted any sort of servant, but because He wanted you to have the truest freedom.
Heavenly Father, thank You for taking my guilt and punishment in order to grant me freedom. Help me reflect what You have done for me as I serve You by serving others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen