Principles for Living
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17
Observe: 1) You can have more, as long as you don’t want it all for yourself. In a generation whose motto is ‘Look out for number one,’ we need to be reminded that ‘Christ did not please himself’ (Romans 15:3). He didn’t live to enrich Himself, but to enrich others. You won’t find an iota of selfishness in Him. He’s worthy to be called ‘Master’, because He first mastered Himself by denying Himself and living for others. 2) You can get almost anything done, as long as you don’t care who gets the credit. ‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.’ Pride brought Satan down and it will bring you down, too. Ivan O Miller said, ‘Humility is such a frail and delicate thing that he who dares to think that he has it, proves by that single thought that he has it not.’ When you succeed and the accolades start coming your way, enjoy them briefly. Then pass them on to the true source of all your accomplishments—God. 3) You can hasten the answer, as long as you don’t despise the source. Naaman the leper discovered that you can have what God offers, but on God’s terms, not yours (2 Kings 5:1-14). And God’s terms are ‘faith’ and ‘obedience’. Faith is like electricity: you don’t have to analyze or understand it to enjoy its benefits. All you have to do is plug in! What has God told you to do? Obey Him! Stop vacillating, stop procrastinating, stop arguing with Him and do what He tells you. You’ll love the results. You say you fail in this area? We all have, but we have a gracious forgiving God who helps us start new each day!
Heavenly Father, help me live for You and reflect all success to You, the source of all good things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen