God Watches Over Us – January 16, 2016


God Watches Over Us

Honor and thanks be to the Lord! He has not let us be torn by their teeth. We have become free like a bird out of a trap. The net is broken and now we are free. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 124: 6-8

In Psalm 124, the psalmist begins with saying if God was not on our side then our enemies, with their anger, would have destroyed us. If the Lord had not been on our side, then the waters would have covered our souls. The psalmist then transitions into honoring and thanking God for His protection. The Lord protected the Israelites before and during the psalmist’s time, and still today He protects His people. In fact He redeemed His people. God covered the earth with water because He was filled with sorrow over the sin of men. But He still continued His promise of giving us a savior, Noah and his family continued the line from which the savior would come. He did not destroy all men. Through the many wars God protected His people despite their complaints. The savior came in the form of flesh, and He was sinless. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, redeemed us on the cross. He took our place, so that we would not have to pay the debt of our sins. He set us free. We can see our Lord is still protecting us today with His grace and mercy. We have been given the gift of prayer where we are able to ask for God to watch over us. Luther’s morning prayer is a great example. The Lord ’s Prayer is another. We can ask for protection, guidance, strength throughout our days, and for God to watch over us during the night.

Lord God, we honor and thank You for watching over us every day. Thank You for redeeming us. We ask that You will protect us and guide us on this day. Amen


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