He Cares – January 17, 2016


He Cares

And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Mark 4:41

Jesus and the disciples were in a boat crossing the sea when a storm arose. Waves began bringing water into the boat, swamping it. The disciples were in a moment of panic, yet Jesus was asleep. The disciples could not understand how Jesus could be sleeping at a time like this. “But He was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38) In their state of panic, the disciples accused Jesus of not caring. Jesus then commanded the wind and the waves to be still. The disciples realized that Jesus was more powerful than anyone they knew. They were afraid. Jesus had told the storm to stop, and it did.

Why did Jesus calm the sea? Was it to show He was powerful? Perhaps. But I think Jesus was answering the disciples’ question. He was showing that He does indeed care. He shows His mercy and compassion in the midst of suffering. Shortly after this passage, we see Jesus sharing His compassion as he freed a man from demons, raised a girl from the dead, and healed a woman of her illness.

When we are in the midst of suffering we need to remember that Jesus cares and is good. When we are faced with trials our caring God has been there too. Jesus endured many trials while on earth, so that he can walk the road with us. Our faith gives us strength and the ability to make it through the suffering, grow from it, and builds trust in God. The disciples needed to trust Jesus to see His goodness and know He will be with them in their trials. God is good to those who love Him. He is merciful, compassionate, and He cares.

Almighty God, when we go through trials in our lives we thank You for caring for us. Help us to trust in You, and to know Your goodness. Amen


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