Let It Snow – February 20, 2016


Let It Snow

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18

Oh the weather outside is frightful. But the snow can be so delightful. It is often a breathtaking sight on the first snowfall, as the snow clings to the trees and covers the ground and rooftops. It can be a relief when a snow day is announced, and we get to work from home in our pajamas, or the kids get to spend the day sledding with their friends instead of going to school. It can put the season in the holiday spirit. Snow can make a memory feel as though it should be frozen on a postcard. Snow, the fresh white snow, serves as a reminder that we have been washed clean.

The Lord says our sins are the color of scarlet, bright. They are the color of crimson, rich. They are the colors that leave stains. Those stains can affect how we feel about ourselves. And they can also distract us from our relationship with God. Thankfully, God sent His son Jesus Christ to wash away our sins with His blood on the cross. His grace and forgiveness pours over us, turning our sins as white as snow. Such a difficult colored stain to remove, yet Christ accomplished it. This winter, may the snow be a reminder to us that we have been washed clean of our sins. So bundle up, put your boots on, and enjoy the blessing of snow.

Lord God, Thank You for making our sins as white as snow. Help us to not be distracted in our walk with You. This winter may the snow be a constant reminder that we have been washed clean. Amen


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