He Gives Comfort – Part 1 – February 27, 2016


He Gives Comfort – Part 1

“Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God”. 2 Corinthians 1:4

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells the people that in our suffering we are forced to rely on God rather than on our selves. In our suffering we are comforted by the God of compassion. God is powerful and will deliver us from our sufferings. He brings us hope knowing that Christ has delivered us from death, and gives us His forgiveness, mercy, and His grace. When others are suffering we can bring them comfort, which God once gave us. We can use our sufferings to empathize. We might not always have the words to say, but we can share our experiences and how the comfort of Christ helped us. Prayers can also go a long way. It is comforting to know when others are praying for us. Churches often times put together groups to make meals for those going through crisis. There are support groups to help find strength and encouragement among others. There are many ways in which we can show mercy to comfort others just as Christ has done for us.

Compassionate God, You have given us Your mercy, and grace, which brings us great comfort. Thank you. Help us to use our suffering to comfort others as You have comforted us. Amen


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