He Gives Comfort – Part 2 – February 28, 2016


He Gives Comfort – Part 2

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11: 28

When we go through sufferings such as grief, illness, depression, an unsure future, a broken heart, etc. we can feel isolated and worn out. But we are not alone. Christ also suffered. He experienced betrayal, abandonment, and physical pain. He is able to emphasize with us. Christ provides comfort in several ways including His word, communion, and through the body of Christ. Our brothers and sisters are also going through sufferings. We can use our suffering to comfort one another. We can empathize, care for, and pray with one another. Just as Christ has shown us mercy, we should show it to our brothers and sisters. Jesus tells us to go to Him, lay down our burdens, and find rest. His suffering did not just bring us a temporal comfort and peace, but an eternal comfort and peace. One day we will live with no suffering. Psalm 62 says, “My soul finds rest in God. My salvation comes from Him. He is my rock, and my salvation. He is my fortress, and I will never be shaken.” It is important to remember that in our sufferings we have Christ to cling to for comfort and rest.

Lord God, You comfort us and give us rest in times of suffering. We thank You for this. We thank You for providing us with different ways to receive Your comfort. Your suffering gives us eternal comfort, peace, and rest. Amen


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