He Keeps Us Safe – March 5, 2016


He Keeps Us Safe

“You will show me the way of life. Being with You is to be full of joy. In Your right hand there is happiness forever.” Psalm 16:11

The psalmist finds his safe place, in life and from death, in the Lord. He also finds his joy in those who love the Lord. The Lord holds the future of those who love Him. The Lord provides for us, and therefore we must honor and obey Him.

Paul tells us, in Philippians 2, that we are strong because we belong in Christ. Christ brings us comfort through His love for us. By sharing the Holy Spirit we have joy. We should continue sharing the love and joy with others. We should put others before ourselves, and have no pride. Christ had put everything aside, and made Himself a servant. Because Christ did not hold to His rights of God, became human, and died on the cross, God lifted Him up above everything else. Jesus obeyed God’s plan. As we obey God, we are showing the world that we are saved from sin. We are the lights in this sinful world. We can rest and take comfort knowing that God keeps us safe both in this life and from death. He has shown us how to live through His son Jesus Christ, which gives us joy as we follow Him alongside those whom we share the Holy Spirit with.

Lord God, Thank You for showing us the way of life. May we always follow without pride, placing others before ourselves. Help us to share Your love with the world. Thank You for keeping us safe in this life, and from death. Amen


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