The Embassy of the Kingdom Of Heaven – March 12, 2016


The Embassy of the Kingdom Of Heaven

“We therefore are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God is making His appeal through us. We employ you on Christ’s behalf. Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

Ludmilla is an 82 year-old Czech widow. In her lifetime she experienced two totalitarian régimes, the German Nazis and the Russian communists. After the country faced 40 years of communism many believers left. It breaks Ludmilla’s heart to know the Czech Republic is known as the most atheistic European country. She says she leaned on scripture telling her not to fear, which the Bible states 366 times. So Ludmilla was not afraid.

Outside her home she has a sign that says, “The Embassy of the Kingdom of Heaven.” This invites anyone, needing anything, to come into her home. Her home is an extension of Christ’s kingdom. The atmosphere she hopes to have in her home is joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. She lets the Holy Spirit take over when she is representing Christ. Ludmilla believes it is an honor to be an instrument of God’s love every day.

In this world we represent Christ. We are His ambassadors allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us as we go out. As Christians, we are to be like Ludmilla, reaching out to those in need. What an honor it is to be able to share God’s love, grace, and mercy to those who are suffering. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Scripture encourages us to share the message of hope that we have in Christ with our neighbor. We represent Christ, and so we share His love, mercy, and compassion, and the hope that we have in Christ’s return.

Compassionate Lord, we ask for guidance as we serve Your people. Give us wisdom, patience, and compassion as we share Your message of hope. Help us to be ambassadors for You. Amen


One comment

  1. How can I donate money to this widow? So inspiring and I want to make sure she gets some financial resources.

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