Your Responses – March 18, 2016


Your Responses

Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Matthew 7:17

Take a moment to consider these two questions. Question one: How do you respond when you’re treated badly? A man stopped by a news-stand every morning to pick up a paper. The man behind the counter was always nasty, yet the customer was always nice to him. When a friend asked him why he remained so kind in the face of such rudeness, he replied, ‘Why would I let his attitude dictate my attitude?’ Question two: How do you respond when you’re tempted? You say, ‘I’m in love with him. He’s married and I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.’ Actually, you can. You can spend an hour listening to stories from women who lost their husbands to infidelity. Look into the eyes of their children. Hear the betrayal, and see the broken promises in their eyes. When you do, you’ll think new thoughts! The Bible says, ‘…Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh’ (Galatians 5:16). At any moment you can turn your mind to God and your thoughts will change. Feelings are like spoiled children; they can take a little longer to come round, but if you keep your mind ‘fixed’ on God, your feelings will eventually line up with your thoughts. Looking back, you’ll be glad you were guided by God instead of your impulses. It’s as if there’s a little network called HSN (Holy Spirit Network) where you can tune in at any time. When you ask God to guide your thoughts, then pause and listen to what He says—He will guide you.

Heavenly Father, guide my thoughts and let me be led by the direction of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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