Animal Faces – March 19, 2016


Animal Faces

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Many of us have heard that Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, but have you ever considered his other animal faces found in scripture? In the very beginning Satan appeared as:

  1. A SERPENT in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3– Webster Dictionary defines a serpent as “a sly or treacherous person, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray it.” Satan’s mission in the garden was to exploit Adam and Eve to doubt the goodness of God. He has not changed his tactics even today.

  2. A BIRD in the Parable of the Sower-In Matthew 13:4
    he is likened to a bird whose desire is to spoil the harvest by eating up the seed (the Word) before it can take root.

  3. A WOLF- In John 10:11-13 Jesus describes Satan as a destructive wolf seeking to kill the flock. A wolf in sheep’s clothing is someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of kindliness.

  4. A ROARING LION- 1 Peter 5:8 likens Satan to a lion with an insatiable desire to kill and feast upon the innocent.

  5. A DRAGON – Revelation 12 the Dragon emerges with a vengeance in an attempt to destroy the very Son of God. Notice how Satan comes full circle from serpent to dragon? Yet look at the good news found in Revelation 12:10, “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.”

We need to be aware of the wiles of the devil and his many faces but never to the exclusion of the power of Christ over every evil dominion and force. As Christians we acknowledge the activity of Satan but we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and redemptions cross. We need not fear Satan as a roaring lion because as Christians we are safe in the shadow of the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ.

Lord we long to gaze upon Your beauty, seek Your face and rest in the knowledge that You have overcome the evil forces of this world. Lord, we’re keeping our eyes on You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.



  1. Thank you for this much needed devotion today. Considering Satan’s many faces has reminded me I need to be on the alert and recognize his “wiles”. But most of all I appreciate your reminder to keep our eyes on the Lord. Beautiful imagery that we can feel safe in the shadow of the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ. Thanks again.

  2. Awesome job Jeanine; falls right in line with what we’ve been learning in the ‘Red Sea Rules’ Bible study! I enjoy you sharing the insight given to you from the Holy Spirit! God bless you and your ministry, Deborah. Numbers 6:24-26

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