Ask God for a Mountain – Part 3 – March 23, 2016


Ask God for a Mountain – Part 3

Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. Joshua 14:13

When Rich Stearns became engaged, his fiancée wanted to order some china. But he said to her, ‘As long as there are children starving in the world, we will not own china, crystal, or silver.’ Rich had remarkable gifts of leadership. He loved strategic thinking, team building, and mission achievement. Twenty years later he became the CEO of Lenox, the top producer of fine china in the country. One day he received a phone call from World Vision, asking if he would consider getting involved with them. So Rich went to Rakia, Uganda, the area considered ground zero for the AIDS pandemic. In that village he sat in a thatched hut with a thirteen-year-old boy called Richard. A pile of stones outside the door marked the place where they had buried the boy’s father, who had died of AIDS. Another pile marked the place where they had buried his mother, who had also died of AIDS. Rich talked for a while with the boy—now the head of the household, trying to raise two younger brothers – and asked him at one point, ‘Do you have a Bible?’ The boy said, ‘Yes,’ went into another room and brought back the one book in their house. ‘Are you able to read it?’ Rich asked, and at that the boy’s face lit up. ‘I love to read the gospel of John because it says Jesus loves children,’ the boy said. Deeply moved, Rich Stearns left his job, his house and his title and asked God for one more mountain. If you haven’t done it yet, ask God for one.

Heavenly Father, help me leave behind all the things that I thought were important, that really aren’t – and go after the thing You would have me do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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