What’s Stopping You? Fear of Success! – Part 3 – March 31, 2016


What’s Stopping You? Fear of Success! – Part 3

bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full. Proverbs 8:21

If you want to overcome the fear of success and position yourself to be a blessing to others: 1) Confront your fear head-on. God’s Word says that He wants you to succeed (Joshua 1:9). The question is, are you ready to act on His Word? Do you believe others are entitled to success but not you? Do you feel like it’s okay for you to succeed to a certain extent, but anything beyond that would be displeasing to God? You must confront these unscriptural beliefs! 2) Determine the source of any erroneous beliefs you may harbor regarding your worthiness. Here are some areas you should focus on: rejection by your loved ones; comparisons to others; stereotypes and media images; words of inferiority and rejection that play in your mind like a broken record. Your perception of your worthiness will play a major role in how much you allow yourself to achieve in life, so change your opinion of yourself! Line up what you believe and say about yourself with what God says about you: ‘…Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are Mine…you are precious to Me. You are honored, and I love you. Do not be afraid, for I am with you…’ (Isaiah 43:1, 4-5). Recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors and commit to putting a stop to them. And stop waiting for ‘a better opportunity’, or until ‘the time is right’. God says, ‘I am with you.’ So trust Him with the timing and circumstances and move forward with confidence.

Heavenly Father, help me move forward and overcome my fears that are holding me back. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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