Lord of the Dance – April 2, 2016


Lord of the Dance

“Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet. Praise Him with the harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing. Praise Him with the strings and pipe.” Psalm 150:3-5

Can you remember your high school dances? Homecoming, Turn-Around, Prom. It is tough to forget getting dressed up, having the first slow dance, the music, flashing lights, and the occasional rests to drink punch and eat the goodies provided by the PTA. For a national radio show, The Bobby Bones Show, the staff held a 24 hour line dance in order to raise money to feed orphans in Haiti, and to bring awareness to world hunger. One member on the team Ray, danced for the entire 24 hours without resting. With a new pair of boots, and the hope to raise money to feed the hungry, Ray and the gang successfully raised enough for 5,000 meals.

The psalmist tells us to praise God for His acts of power and greatness. We should praise him with joy, music, dancing, and our talents. One of the DJ’s, Amy, first visited the orphanage in Haiti with her church. Since then her heart has been filled with love for the ministry there. God provided her with the means to organize the dance and feed the hungry. Perhaps you remember the hymn, “Lord of the Dance”, a song about Jesus’s life and praise. “Dance, dance, wherever you may be,” is a line repeated in the chorus, as Jesus leads us in life and praise. The dance to feed the hungry was a way in which others rejoiced in the Lord because of His amazing power and greatness to provide for the orphans in Haiti. His body came together to help send 5,000 meals to those in need. We rejoiced as Christ came into this world, we rejoiced as He gathered disciples to help teach the gospel, we rejoiced in the Lord as He fulfilled His promise going to the cross; suffering, overcoming sin, death, and the devil, and we rejoiced as Christ went to be with His father. We are still rejoicing knowing that Christ will return, make us new, and will give us eternal life where there will be no hunger. And we will rejoice as we dance, worshiping God forever as the body of Christ.

Lord of the dance, we rejoice and praise You for Your power and greatness. We give You thanks for providing for us, and bringing us together to help those in need. May we rejoice in You always as we dance and serve. Amen


One comment

  1. Loved the devotion today. Just forwarded it on to Triumphal Entry Dance Worship Ministry Team. You captured in this Devotion the ‘heart’ and ‘essence’ of our ministry. There’s nothing like praising and worshiping with music and dance.

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