Brokenness Produces Character – August 10, 2017


Brokenness Produces Character

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Psalms 51:17

When we submit to God’s dealings in our lives, He empowers us to reach our full potential by gently breaking areas of our stubborn will that need to be submitted to Him. As these areas are broken, His power within us is released and things begin to change for the better. Power and talent without character and direction, have destroyed many a man and woman. You probably know some of them. So be warned; unless your talent is governed by character, you’re heading for trouble. A horse may come from a line of blue-ribbon champions, but until its will has been broken its power endangers itself and those around it. You’ll notice two important things about a thoroughbred champion horse: 1) It hears many voices during the race but it has learned to respond to only one – the voice of its rider. And that’s God’s plan for you. You’ll get a lot of opinions, but to win in life you must be led only by God. And that calls for humility. ‘He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way’ (Psalm 25:9). 2) Its power is realized and its full potential released only when it can be harnessed and directed. So, is God breaking you in similar fashion? Is He putting His harness on you and saying, ‘You can’t live like that anymore, or do your own thing, because I have plans for you’? The word for you today is: ‘You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God’ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Heavenly Father, help me and use me in my brokenness so that I hear and follow only Your voice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


One comment

  1. Only God gets to do the breaking. No human has any business breaking any part of you, period! You belong to God. Only God knows just what needs to be gently broken, Only God will heal and shape that part of you into something better, to His glory.

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