Hope, Joy and Yes
… just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father , we too may live a new life. Romans 6:4
And so we have come to the end of another year. For all of us it has no doubt been a year of joy, struggles, peace, confusion, laughter, tears, Ah-Ha’s and Uh-Oh’s ….and much more. We have said hello to new babies, new friends, new church members, and new opportunities, and we have also said farewell to family members, opportunities, healthy bodies, and even perhaps to unaccomplished dreams! But yet we continue on, encouraged and blessed with the Lord’s promise that because He too has gone through many yes’s and no’s in His own life, we too have new life in Him! The Lord speaks comfort through the scriptures bearing witness that all of the brokenness we bring and yield in Jesus’s name is gathered up, redeemed, and given back as peace. At the end of another year, we are blessed to know that God speaks hope to us, that death is not the end. The final words of this year, and each day of the new year are …. Hope, Joy, and Yes, in the name of Jesus, the risen One!
Lord, You have gotten us through another year, by Your grace. Thanks for the blessings and opportunities You gave to us. We look forward to an exciting new year as we continue to live and love and lift others, as You continue to live in and through us! Amen and Amen!