Discovering God’s Will – Part 2 – September 12, 2020


Discovering God’s Will – Part 2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

For a redeemed child of God, nothing in life should be more important than discovering and doing His will. But you have four options: 1) You can remain ignorant of it. Chances are this isn’t you, or you wouldn’t be reading this daily devotional right now. Clearly you have a desire to know God’s will for your life and He will help you find it (see Isaiah 30:21). 2) You can know it and choose to disobey it. Jonah knew God’s will, but he ran from it and ended up in the biggest storm of his life. What was his problem? He didn’t like the assignment God gave him. Is your problem that you know God’s will but you just don’t like it? 3) You can know it but settle for less. The truth is you can sing in the choir and serve on church committees, yet deep in your heart know you’re settling for less than God’s will. 4) You can settle for nothing less than God’s will. There are moments when God’s will seems too difficult, too prolonged, and too unrewarding. Your own ideas seem easier, quicker, and more enjoyable. In the end, you find that His plan was better than yours and there will never be an exception to this rule. So you may as well decide from now on to yield to God’s will, do things His way, and believe Him for His best. Today get down on your knees and say with the psalmist, ‘I delight to do Your will, O my God…Your law is within my heart’ (Psalm 40:8).

Heavenly Father, help me to discern Your will, but more importantly, to DO IT and not make excuses. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

One comment

  1. It was famed New York Yankee second-baseman Bobby Richardson (very active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes), when asked to offer prayer, uttered the famously succinct words, “O Lord, may Thy will be done. Nothing less, nothing more, nothing else. Amen.” To that we can all add our own “Amen!”

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