Pray Your Alphabet – August 7, 2021


Pray Your Alphabet

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Rachel and Jim owned a commercial building, half of which Jim used for his dental practice. For fifteen years they had no difficulty renting out the other half, which provided extra money to pay their bills. Then they lost their tenant, and an estate agent told them, ‘Forget about advertising for a while – absolutely nobody is renting.’ To ease her stress, Rachel started swimming laps at the local YMCA pool. One day when she was feeling especially anxious, she decided to pray as she swam, using the alphabet to keep track of the number of laps. She focused on adjectives to describe God, starting with the letter A. ‘You are Almighty God,’ she prayed during lap one. B. ‘A benevolent God, a bountiful God,’ she prayed on the next lap. And then C, ‘You are a caring, creative, can-do God.’ By the time she’d completed twenty-six laps, an hour had passed and her fears were gone. She knew God would provide. A short time later a physical therapist called to say she’d noticed the ‘For Rent’ sign, and asked to see the office. It was exactly what she wanted, so she and her partner rented the space. Rachel still prays while she’s swimming laps. ‘After all,’ she says, ‘I’ve discovered God’s goodness stretches from A to Z.’ Are you worrying about something today? Here’s a better option:


Heavenly Father, help me to PRAY more and WORRY less – and trust Your provision in all the challenging things in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

One comment

  1. Pray Your Alphabet was the perfect message for my husband and me today. Thank you – God bless you.

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