The Benefits of Meditating on God’s Word – July 11, 2023


The Benefits of Meditating on God’s Word

I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Psalms 77:12

What does the word meditate mean? ‘To engage in contemplation or reflection or to focus one’s thoughts on.’ The Psalmist said, ‘I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.’ Question: until you meditate on God’s Word, what can you say that will make any real difference? All you will be doing is sharing your opinion, which is just one of many. You will not be able to speak convincingly or make any real difference in the life of the person to whom you are speaking. It’s God’s Word that changes people’s lives, not yours!

Here are ten benefits of meditating on God’s Word: 1) It cultivates within you a love for God and His Word. 2) It gives you new insights and spiritual understanding. 3) It’s a source of reassurance and strength. 4) It empowers you to be a genuine witness for Jesus Christ. 5) It renews your mind. 6) It protects you from sin. 7) It restores your soul and your emotions. 8) It enables you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. 9) It causes your spirit to come alive. 10) It assists you in understanding God, others, and yourself.

There is great power in God’s Word, and Bible meditation gives you access to that power. ‘Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you – your tickets to participation in the life of God’ (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Heavenly Father, help me to not just read Your Word but to meditate on it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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