Tractor Beam of Selfishness – June 7, 2024

2024-06-07 PCS     

“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.” 1 Corinthians 10:24

Hi everyone, happy Friday! I don’t know if you remember the scene from Star Wars where they’re in the Millennium Falcon and they’re trapped. They’re stuck as they’re being sucked in by this tractor beam into the evil empire. You know, that is so much a picture of sin in our lives. That sin is such a tractor beam for us. It just draws us in with everything that we are in our human flesh, especially when it comes to selfishness.

It’s so hard to break out of that selfishness, and yet 1 Corinthians 10:24 reminds us not to look out for our own interests, but rather to look for the good of our neighbor. So I really got to thinking about that as we go into this weekend.

What would it look like this weekend for us to get free from that tractor beam, thanks to Jesus, and begin to really do something good for our neighbor? Imagine if just each of us just did one thing this weekend – already the world is looking like it’s going to be a brighter place. You know, praise be to Jesus that we get an opportunity to bring that kind of light into such a dark place.

Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the World, especially as we go into this bright summer. There’s still no light brighter than You, and we thank You for freeing us from our own selfishness and sin, and enabling us through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to produce fruit and good works that are pleasing, not only to You, but beneficial to others.

Would You just help us, Lord, to continue to keep our eyes on You, to continue to reflect Your light and love to others this weekend? So in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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