The Calming Voice of the Familiar – June 17, 2024

2024-06-17 PCS     

“…the sheep recognize His voice and come to Him. He calls His own sheep by name…and they follow Him because they know His voice.” (John 10:3-4)

Growing up, I listened to a lot of sports on the radio. Chick Hearn, Vin Scully, Larry Zimmer, Dick Enberg, and Terry Smith were the voices I would listen to often. Their tone and cadence began to become more familiar. Their unique phrases became quickly recognized to the point where it was actually calming and reassuring. Like this ‘CHICKISM’:

“The game’s in the refrigerator, the door’s closed, the light’s out, the eggs are cooling, the butter’s getting hard and the Jello’s jiggling.” That was the way Chick Hearn indicated a Lakers win.

In a similar way I have found that, as I have daily tuned in to the Good Shepherd Jesus, His voice becomes more and more familiar. I can often complete a phrase of Jesus just by hearing the first couple words.

As I was reflecting on this I remembered these words of Jesus:
“…the sheep recognize His voice and come to Him. He calls His own sheep by name…and they follow Him because they know His voice.” (John 10:3-4)

If you’re having trouble hearing or distinguishing God’s voice these days, may I suggest you TUNE IN to God’s Station and listen? His station…is HIS WORD. Read it daily, study it and discuss it with others, listen to it preached to you. As you do, you will know His voice and it will become familiar.

You will find the voice of Jesus not only familiar, you will also find it calming. He calls your name today not to angrily condemn you but to lovingly save you. The voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd is the sweetest voice of all.

Listen….Jesus is calling your name right now. Follow Him, be transformed by His love, and commit to sharing His Words with others.

Lord Jesus, our good shepherd, we thank You for speaking to us in a way that is not angry and is not a way that is condemning, but a way that is inviting, loving, forgiving, merciful, and gracious. We thank You for speaking to us in those ways. Help us to become more and more familiar to Your voice, that we might not miss anything that You say to us, but instead that we would find the calm and the assurance and that we would find the direction we need in our lives as You lead us, as our good Shepherd. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

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