Break the Silence With Kindness – July 26, 2024

2024-07-26 PCS     

“Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” (Proverbs 15:30)

Happy Friday everyone. July 26th. Seems like every day on the calendar is a day to have something recognized. A quick look at the National Day calendar shows that July 26th is National Bagel Fest Day. National coffee milkshake day. National all or nothing day. National disability independence day. National aunt and uncle’s day and national get gnarly day. July 26th happens to also be my mother’s birthday, and I’m remembering her today with great gratitude for so many blessings the Lord has poured out through her into the life of me and my family.

You know, July 26th also happens to be national talk in an elevator day, and I thought I would highlight that as the challenge for this weekend. Now, maybe you know that awkward feeling of riding in an elevator with a stranger in complete silence in such a confined space? Well, if you’re on an elevator today and you have an excuse to break the silence, just say “hi there”.

“I’m Chris. Today is national talk in an elevator day. How’s your day going?” Just remember, you will have about four seconds per floor to break that silence. Why do it? Well, you know, there is a lot of bad news in our world. And even more suspicion and division between people. Such a simple openness to share a kind word, initiate an introduction, and offer an interest of care really can make a difference in a person’s day.

In fact, Proverbs 15:30 shares, “Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”

Lord Jesus, we thank you so much for your love and for the joy that you shine into our lives each and every day. You tell us that hope is born new every single day, that your blessings are new every single day, and that you give to us this day.

To be able to share that love, that kindness and that hope with others. And so, help us to do so. We pray this now in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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