Humility in the Right Place – August 30, 2024

2024-08-30 PCS     

Hi everyone, happy Friday! It was G.K. Chesterton who explained this insight, “What we suffer from today is humility in the wrong place. A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth. This has been exactly reversed.” You know, I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that quote. It seems like today the value is in each individual’s own truth.

But the reality is, that the Scripture calls us to something different. In 1 Peter 5:6, we’re told these words, “Humble yourself under God’s mighty hand, and He will lift you up in due time.” I think one of the applications of this is to begin to go before God’s Word in a way that allows His truth to be the rule and the measurement of our actions, of our thoughts, of our words, and of our hearts.

And by humbling ourselves to His truth, not our own, we will find that He does lift us up in forgiveness, His mercy, His grace, and His incredible work that He continues to do to recreate the people that we are to be in Christ Jesus.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for another week and another blessing that has come to us as we’ve heard Your Word.

You have reminded us that our truth is to be found only in Your Word, and by the truth that You set forward for us. And so, help us this weekend to humble ourselves, to not place our opinion, or our own values, above Your Word, but allow Your Word to examine our hearts, to examine our motives, our thoughts, our feelings. To examine our actions, and therefore help it to show us the way that we should go, and the way that we should live.

And then, only by the power of Your Holy Spirit would You be able to move within us the opportunity to abide in Your Word. And then You will lift us up. We thank You for Your word ever present among us, and we ask that You would bless us this weekend. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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