Hope Can Be Found in the Valley – September 16, 2024

2024-09-16 PCS     

…then why am I depressed, angry, and focused on bad news?

The Psalmist found himself in a deep valley of depression. He wrote:

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?” (Psalm 42:5)

The disparity between God’s goodness and a heart discouraged can really leave us feeling far away from God. We believe God is good so why are we experiencing such discouragement? Where is God? When will He act?

One survey found that the most common response to spiritual doubt and discouragement is isolation away from spiritual and worshipping communities. Still, others will choose to get stuck in a period of lament. Their constant complaint is so common that others begin avoiding them. And when distance begins to settle in the discouragement deepens.

Yet, hope can be discovered in those deep valleys of discouragement in one reminder, one memory, and one truth.

The Psalmist adjusts his focus to remember God’s goodness, he writes:
“Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember you—
I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again—“

Remembering God’s promises brings hope to the present moment. In the middle of difficult circumstances, the call for the discouraged is to anchor hope by placing trust in God. The focus is more than just God’s goodness independently or apart from us. His goodness is personal and is for us. That is what is so powerful about the ending line when the Psalmist in deep discouragement trusts in both God’s presence and personal deliverance and salvation. He writes: “My Savior and my God!”

You may find yourself in a dark valley right now, but call to mind any of God’s promises to you and even there you may find hope.

Lord Jesus, we know that in those darkest of moments, we can truly become discouraged. We can oftentimes be filled with doubt. And yet, would You help us to call to mind Your goodness, that goodness, which is not just a general goodness to the whole world, but a goodness that You intend for us personally? And would You grant to us the trust and the ability to see that goodness? To recall it and to give to us that hope and allow that hope to anchor us through difficult times. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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