Asking for Daddy in the Dark – September 20, 2024

2024-09-20 PCS     

Happy Friday everyone! Psalm 105:4 says, “Seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His presence continually.” Ali was a mom who kept an Amazon-branded smart speaker in the room with her son so that he can listen to lullabies, but she had no idea how comfortable he had become with the speaker. In footage from her baby video monitor, she overheard a conversation that her son was having with, well, Alexa.

Having awoken during the middle of the night, the boy turns and says, “Alexa”, which turned on the smart speaker and then said, “I need daddy”. Alexa replies with, “What should I add?” The toddler replies, “Daddy”. I’m guessing that this little boy was hoping Alexa would make dad appear, maybe for another drink of water, or to ask for one more bedtime story, or just to get reassurance that he hadn’t been left alone in the dark. That’s when Alexa hilariously replies, “I’ve added daddy to your shopping list. Is there anything else?” The little boy just replies, “Um, no”. Which may be the sweetest thing ever.

This ask for a father’s presence by a little boy in the dark has nearly reached 4 million views because it’s hilarious, it’s adorable, and it’s also relatable. As children of the Heavenly Father, we too long for the Father’s presence, especially when times are dark and challenging.

And maybe that’s you. And as you go into this weekend, then hear the words of Jesus that He spoke to His disciples in Matthew 28, and a promise that is still true for you today. He simply said, “And be sure of this, I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Lord Jesus, I thank You for always being here with me. Would you remind me, as I go into this weekend, of Your continual presence when I faced times of darkness or needs in my life? Again, may that promise bring me confidence, assurance, hope, and peace, that I might live in the joy that comes from Your presence. Be with us now as we go into this weekend with that promise. Help us to be sure, and remind us in faith, that You are with us always. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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