It’s Like, You Know… – September 30, 2024

2024-09-30 PCS     

“For this is what the Lord has commanded us:’I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'” (Acts 13:47)

The singing group NewSong found themselves outside of their comfort zone. They hadn’t even had but one performance and most of the rehearsals were for the Christmas season which was still three months away. Yet here they were facing a group of people who were about to enter every American home in a matter of months. These people were the pros. They were producers and cast of a television show entitled, “It’s Like, You Know…” for network television.

The group was in attendance of this television taping in order to raise money for needed outfits. At these TV tapings, you walk in and are taken to bleachers which are fitted with theatre chairs. After being seated a host comes out to explain the way the night will go and reminds them that the mics above their seats will pick up everything. Next, a comedian/MC comes out to warm up the audience by giving away prizes and getting everyone energized and excited for the taping of the show. This is how they get the majority of “laughs.”

The comedian/MC interviews several folks before the show starts to find out where the audience has come from and if they have any special talents. He explained that in the breaks between scenes, he might call a few of those with special talents and ask them to perform for everyone. It was in this interview with NewSong’s director that he learned about the church singing group. Hollywood types were not usually favorable towards Christians and there were a few jokes cracked at the expense of the church.

As the taping began and moved from scene to scene and at the breaks in between a few of the special talent people were called up in front of the audience to perform their talent. As they performed in front of the audience the cast and crew scurried behind them to get the next scene set and ready. Most of the special talent performing couldn’t make it through their whole performance as they were usually cut off by the announcement from the director, “quiet on the set” so that the next scene could be filmed.

It was getting super late into the taping and it seemed that there was pressure to get this episode back on time and completed. Finally, the taping made it to the last break before the last scene was to be shot. The comedian/MC asked the church group to quickly sing a line or two.

As the group moved in front of the audience he joked, “You aren’t gonna put us to sleep now are you?” The director nervously started the only non-Christmas song the group had which was their benediction song entitled, “God is With Us.” The director worried about what comments might be made in this secular setting. Within a line or two the MC/comedian started reminding the director there wasn’t too much time left. But he kept directing, the group kept singing, and the Holy Spirit just fell upon that place.

It was as if everything just got focused by the song as this incredible solemn quiet fell over the entire studio. As the director turned his head back to see if the MC was about to interrupt, he saw that the entire cast and crew had left their positions and walked over to listen. The group sang every word of that song and landed on the final ending chord. The director dropped his hands. You could have heard a pin drop. That is when the entire studio erupted in applause. A few actors were wiping tears and the comedian/MC couldn’t find the line to speak.

There is a sweetness and powerfully peaceful presence in the Good News of God’s love for people, especially when it is set to music. I have often said it is the greatest LOVE song ever sung.  Jesus is that light and love which is now reflected in and through you whether you sing or not!

Acts 13:47  explains “For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'”

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It’s Like, You Know…

Lord Jesus, how sweet it is to know the love that You have given to us. How sweet it is to walk with You and to experience that love daily.

And we pray that You would give us voice in that song to sing through our words and through our actions, that the world might hear. The sweet chorus of Your love, and that they might know about that love that is for them, just as You have given it to us. Be with us this week as we share Your love and we share Your song.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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