Problem or Great Joy – January 17, 2025


Happy Friday, everyone! You may have heard of this phrase, “I eat problems for breakfast.” I kind of like that bravado. I like the opportunity to look at the day and see no matter what problems come up -because we know there are going to be some – they’re not going to stop us. Well, how much more then, should we take these words to heart from Scripture? James 1:2 says, “When you encounter problems of any kind, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” You know, we can do that as Christians because if the Lord is for us, who can be against us? So we can go and take on the day. And yes, there are going to be problems we’re going to encounter, and we know that.

But let’s not lose heart, because the Lord leads us, and the Lord strengthens us, and even in times of great discipline, it’s a great opportunity to learn the most important things that the Lord has for us. I pray that you find that true if that’s where you’re facing this weekend. I pray that you find this is an opportunity for great joy.

Lord Jesus, as we go into this weekend, we remember all those who are suffering, those who are hurting, those who are in need. We ask that You would be with them, that You would comfort them, that You would help them to find the faith and trust, to be able to look at even the greatest problems that they’re facing as an opportunity for joy.

Lord, we thank You that that’s exactly what You did when you saw the problem of our sins separating us from You forever. You took that on as an opportunity that You saw as great joy. It was through the cross, and You did that for us. And so, Lord, knowing that You have got all things under your control, and that You have us saved and redeemed.

Give us that confidence as we live out this weekend, no matter what we’re facing. And help us to turn our eyes towards that expectation of great joy. And we pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Oh how I lived this devotional and as for eating problems for breakfast oh how I taste and see God us good. ❤️

  2. I was a little down this morning after reading a medical report and this devotion gave me a better way at looking at it. Another sign that God hears us.

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