Don’t Let Love Grow Cold – January 24, 2025

2025-01-24 PCS     

Happy Friday, everyone! Well, in many parts of the country right now it is cold. And that reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:12, where he explains to us that “because of much iniquity, the love of most will grow cold.” You know, it is true that when we see a lot of sin, that many of us begin to pull back.

When someone hurts us, we have a tendency to pull back and not to give. And yet, the truth that we’re being called to live in is the truth of Jesus, who loved even enemies. It’s an opportunity for us to practice that this weekend. And so even though we may see a very cold climate when it comes to our culture, and the amount of sin and hatred and evil that is around us, may we stay warm with the love of Jesus.

Dear Jesus, we do ask that You would warm our hearts, that they would not become so cold as to shrink back from the things and opportunities that You placed before us to serve you, and to love others as You have first loved us. And so give us that opportunity, as we move forward into this weekend, to warm up those who we come into contact with, with the love that You have first given to us.

It’s in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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