Start Living on Purpose – January 25, 2025


Start Living on Purpose

“Those who help others are helped.”(Proverbs 11:25)

One of the best ways to keep your life in balance and stay on track spiritually is to pass on what you know to others. The Bible says, ‘Those who help others are helped.’ As you pass along your insights, you will get more insights from God. Paul challenges Timothy, ‘Now I want you to tell these same things to followers who can be trusted to tell others’ (2 Timothy 2:2). If you know people who haven’t discovered their God-given purpose in life yet, it’s your job to share with them what has been shared with you.

For example, don’t just read this devotional and keep it to yourself, share it with your friends. The more you know, the more God expects you to use that knowledge to help others. That’s how things are supposed to work in His Kingdom. James writes, ‘Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning’ (James 4:17). In other words, increased knowledge brings increased responsibility. Passing along the purpose of life to others is more than just an obligation; it’s one of our greatest privileges.

Imagine how different the world would be if everyone knew their calling. That’s why Paul writes, ‘If you teach these things to other followers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus’ (1 Timothy 4:6). Not only does God want us to live out His purposes, He wants us to help others do the same. That is what assignment-centered living is all about. Regardless of your age, the rest of your life can be the best of your life if you will do this one thing – start living on purpose!

Heavenly Father, help me be one who shares and helps others with what You have done with and through me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


One comment

  1. The prayer at the bottom is what I need now. There is a complicated crisis at work this week I can’t give all the details to here but everyone around me is very stressful and emotional and negative and rightfully so. This a m. Before I read this devotional the Lord told me I need to rest in Him and not go along with what everyone around me is feeling. I had to meditate on HOW all night til I realized He is the vine we are branches. I NEED to ABIDE in HIM . THEN THEY WILL ASK ME HOW DO YOU HAVE PEACE IN THIS MESS? I need to repent for acting in my own understanding to help myself in this situation. I need to not be like Peter when Jesus said cast the nets, he told Jesus been there done that- we fished all night got nothing. JUST SEEK JESUS FOR WHAT TO DO!

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