Love Does No Wrong – February 7, 2025

2025-02-07 PCS     

Happy Friday, everyone! Thinking about love. You know, there’s a lot of descriptions and definitions of what is loving and what isn’t. But I found this incredible verse that just really sums it up very simply. It’s in Romans 13:10, and it simply says this, “Love does no wrong to others. Therefore, love fulfills the law of God.”

It’s not about being nice, it’s not about just kind of overlooking things on behalf of making people feel comfortable. That’s not what love is. Love is based on right and wrong. It’s based on doing no wrong to another person. That means, sometimes, that we have to share truths that are maybe uncomfortable for people to hear. We do so, of course, with gentleness and respect. But to not share truth can also be considered unloving.

So I pray that as you go into this weekend that you might consider–what does it mean for you to do no wrong to others? Certainly in the things that we say, but maybe we need to be mindful of the things that we’re not saying.

Lord Jesus, thank You very much for Your truth and for You not withholding that truth from us.

But even when it was unpopular, even when it was something that we ourselves did not want to hear, You spoke that truth, but You did so with great gentleness. You did so with great concern for our well-being. And Lord, would You help us to do the same as we deal with our families, especially with our children? And especially as we continue to walk in this world.

Would You help us to be a light that reflects truth and love? That we might do so, as You’ve done so with us – gracefully. And we pray this now, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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