God, So Not In A Bottle – September 12, 2014


God, So Not In A Bottle

If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. John 15:7

Amazing. Who needs a genie granting me three wishes? I’ve got God! That little piece of theology falls as flat in the heavenlies as a bad joke at an 18th birthday party. Remember John 15:7 has some key words at the beginning (and words at the beginning of a sentence can often be the ones we need to pay most attention to): ‘If you remain in Me….’ If you remain in God, your desires and prayers will become increasingly geared towards wanting more of His good, flourishing growth in your life, and in the lives of those around you. God promises to provide all our needs, so if you really need something, believe God will provide. Although that’s probably not as great as it sounds. Think about it. If you really need something, God will provide it. If you really need that top-of-the-range fresh-out pro-computer, God will give it to you. But if you don’t, if you only need a pen and paper, that may just be what you get. You’ve got to live knowing that whatever you get from God is the best for you at that time, and you’ll learn to rejoice in being given (only) what you need. His hand is reaching to you and He will sort out your provisions. But always seek to look for His face first, and His hand second.


Heavenly Father, help me to trust You in providing me what I need, and just what I need, and not what I sinfully greed. Keep me focused on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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