Make Your Time Count – July 18, 2015


Make Your Time Count

Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. Psalms 39:6

If there aren’t enough hours in your day to get everything done, chances are you can relate to David’s lament: ‘All our busy rushing ends in nothing.’ Mark Roberts writes, ‘It’s hard to think of a more relevant insight for our time…we’re seeing our nest eggs dry up and our economic hopes dashed…We feel as if we’ve been rushing about “[like] moving shadows” (Psalms 39:6), without substance.’ To maximize your time, Mary M. Byers says: ‘Make lists: what do you want to accomplish this week? List work-related tasks on one side and home or personal-related on the other. That way you won’t have to struggle to remember everything. Consult your schedule first: understanding your current workload is essential to maintaining realistic goals. Are you booked solid, or is this a more relaxed week? If it’s the latter, you can tackle more than you could during times when you’re constantly on-the-go. Prioritize: highlight what has to be done this week, and put everything else on a secondary list. Focus on your highest priority and work on the rest as time permits. Delegate: is there a colleague who can assist at work? The same applies to home-based activities; let your kids pitch in. It’ll help you, and instill a sense of pride and responsibility in them. Identify extenuating circumstances: are you running yourself ragged caring for a loved one, or doing double duty while your spouse is away? At particularly challenging times, give yourself permission to let some things slide without feeling guilty that you’re not accomplishing as much as usual. Learn to let go: the longer something is on your list, the less important it’s likely to be.’

Heavenly Father, help me to prioritize things in my life and not to try and do everything. Help me keep the main thing the main thing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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