Moms and Dads Equip Your Kids for the Real World – Part 2 – August 5, 2016


Moms and Dads Equip Your Kids for the Real World – Part 2

Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 1 Corinthians 4:15

Moms and Dads, do these three things for your kids: 1) Alert them to the dangers of having a sense of entitlement. Yes, they need parents who express unconditional love for them. But some of us think our kids can do no wrong—even when they do! Consequently they grow up having unrealistic expectations and a distorted view of how life works. Everybody gets a scorecard in life, and it records both our wins and our losses. Let your kids know that we all make mistakes. Failing to recognize that just makes them self-deceived and sets them up for heartache. Kids learn from failure how to deal with disappointment; it prepares them for later life when things don’t go their way. 2) Teach them the truth about death—yours and theirs. The Bible says, ‘…it is appointed unto men once to die…’ (Hebrews 9:27). Let them know that death is universally ordained and not a form of divine punishment. Tell them that life, however long, is a gift to be maximized, and heaven is a family reunion not to be missed. The death of a friend or loved one can be an opportunity to diminish their fears and equip them to handle loss, grief and recovery. 3) Show them why you married their mother or father. It’s the most formative relationship in their early lives; one that will influence who they ultimately become, their choice of a partner, and their future happiness. When they see you loving their mother, treating her like a queen, and giving her consideration and honor, they’ll admire, appreciate, and emulate their awesome parent!

Heavenly Father, forgive me when I fall short with my children but help me continue to love them and show them that we all fall short – but always move on to do better. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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