Today, Speak Words That Encourage – November 10, 2016


Today, Speak Words That Encourage

Think how you have instructed many, how you have strengthened feeble hands. Job 4:3

The Bible says, ‘Help others with encouraging words’ (Romans 14:19). When Job was in trouble, his friend Eliphaz reminded him how in the past Job’s words had ‘encouraged those who were about to quit’. Words can hurt or heal, bless or blister, destroy or deliver, tear down or build up. ‘The tongue has the power of life and death’ (Proverbs 18:21). Jon Walker writes: ‘You…the one with Jesus in your heart – are capable of murder. And so am I. We have the power to speak death with our words, and…the power to speak life. Perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end of a message meant to murder. “You’re not smart enough…thin enough…fast enough…good enough…a real Christian wouldn’t think such things.” In a world where people are beaten up and put down, God gives you superhero power to punch through the negativity. You speak life when you say, “You matter to me. I like you just the way you are…Your life counts. You were created for a purpose. God loves you, and you’re incredibly valuable to Him.” You can become the voice of God’s grace in the lives of others, supporting, loving, helping and encouraging them with the words that flow from your mouth.’ God wants us to encourage each other, but that doesn’t mean flattering or buttering people up. It means speaking words that help them to stay on their feet and keep going. What you say can give fresh hope to a friend, a relative, a neighbor, or a co-worker who’s about to collapse. What a gift!

Heavenly Father, give me the words of encouragement that someone needs today! In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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