Washing Machine Bunnies – February 25, 2017


Washing Machine Bunnies

And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. Philippians 4:19-20

God is creative. Don’t you just love that about our Creator? Oftentimes He answers prayers in ways that we never could have imagined; ways that remind us that He is undeniably God.

Some years back my sister was praying for a washing machine. She has a large family and washing boys clothes can be a challenge when you have a household of seven. Unable to afford anything new, she started searching for a used unit. It was at this time that her youngest boy was also pestering her for a bunny. You know the, “Please Mom, I promise I’ll take care of it,” plea that becomes hard to resist when a little five year old is staring at you with expectant eyes. So my sister stopped the washing machine hunt for a moment and started looking for a bunny. One ad she called on needed the bunny picked up the same day. My sister explained that she could not come that day because she needed to keep looking for a washing machine because hers was inoperable. “You need a washer?” the woman asked. “I have two and I’m not using them both. I’ll tell you what, come pick up the bunny and I’ll throw in the washing machine for free.” God heard and answered the prayers of two children that day. A five year old for his bunny and a child of God mother who just needed to wash clothes.

Our God is like that. When we come to Him with the faith of a child He is delighted. Remember, when you pray, give God time to work. “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.” (Psalm 145:15). Oftentimes your answer comes from unlikely places.

Heavenly Father Your creativity and working all things together for good amazes me. Thank You for showing up in unlikely places, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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