You Can Make a Difference – April 30, 2017


You Can Make a Difference

I lie awake; I have become like a bird alone on a roof. Psalms 102:7

Do you feel unqualified for the job God has given you? Do you think He picked the wrong person? Many scriptural heroes felt the same. David, whose psalms encourage millions, lamented, ‘I … am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop’. It’s hard to imagine a less significant bird, yet Jesus said, ‘Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing’ (Matthew 10:29). One author writes: ‘In our impersonal world it’s easy to underestimate the significance of one. With so many who seem more capable, gifted, prosperous, and important, who am I to think my part amounts to much? Aren’t you glad Martin Luther King Jr., Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Irving Berlin, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Wesley, [and Mother Teresa] didn’t think that way?…How many people did it take to help the victim on the Jericho road? How many were chosen to confront Pharaoh and lead the Exodus? How many lost sheep were of concern to the shepherd? How many did God use to prepare the way for the Messiah? Just one! Centuries ago a woman named Esther thought there was nothing she could do. She was the Jewish wife of a Persian king, about to be tricked into making a disastrous decision that would exterminate the Jews … Like everyone who stands in the gap, Esther was willing to get involved to the point of sacrifice, and say, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16). Today ask yourself, “What should I be doing?” You can make a difference.’

Heavenly Father, with You working for me, We can Make a Difference. Thank You Jesus, Amen


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