Melt Down – May 27, 2017


Melt Down

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him. Psalm 28:7

So many things can trouble us. Our patience wears thin, we grow tired, overwhelmed and discouragement sets in like a tenacious weed. It’s in times like these that we need to take a step back and ask the Lord to give us His vision. We take on massive amounts of responsibility “in the name of Jesus” yet He never intended for us to carry such a heavy load. Someone once quipped, “I’d rather burn out for Jesus than wear out.” We certainly don’t want to be complacent concerning kingdom work, but pushing to the point of exhaustion is equally destructive. Whether you wear out or burn out, you still end up “out!”

The Lord calls us to come away and rest in His presence. It’s when we are in the presence of the Father that fear, pressure and our human tendencies to overachieve so others believe begins to melt away. We must allow the Lord to focus our attention back to a close, personal relationship with Him above our service. Satan loves for God’s children to become so busy in kingdom work that we no longer have time for regular communion with God. We become too busy working, leaving no time for simply being in His presence and listening to His still small voice.

The pressures of man and the ebb and flow of life will always be with us, but we can overcome discouragement and avoid dismay when we remember that the Spirit of God is by our side guiding, advising and comforting our human spirit. When you find yourself forgetting this that is a sign that you need to break away to a quiet place and reestablish your bond with your Lord. When you feel at your wits end, like everything you touch is turning to hot lava, take a step back, seek the Lord and sing His praises.

You are redeemed! You are forgiven, washed clean and your feet set upon the solid Rock, Jesus Christ. When you are tempted to believe that this world has a hold on you, take refuge in the Lord and sing! “But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You.” (Psalm 5:11).

Gracious Father, draw me into Your presence and help me to not become so busy that I miss my time with You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


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