Self Confidence or Christ Confidence? – August 19, 2017


Self Confidence or Christ Confidence?

But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. Jeremiah 17:7

From where do you secure your confidence? There are countless self-help books that try to unpack the mystery of being an individual of strength and confidence. We can easily become lost in the realm of self-reliance and man’s approval, missing all together the confidence that is ours in Christ Jesus. Scripture warns us that placing our confidence in man is like barren ground; useless and worthless. (Philippians 3:3). The tendency is to trust our own righteousness and strength, believing we can muster up courage and make effectual changes without Christ. The result is that our soul cannot prosper in the grace and comfort of the Redeemer when we rely on “self.” Scripture reminds us that those who make God their hope (confidence), will flourish like a tree planted by streams of water, whose leaf is always green and does not wither. (Psalm 1:3). Our hearts are deceitful above all things. (Jeremiah 17:9). We must remember that our confidence is found in Christ; and Christ alone. When we start to believe that the responsibility of confidence and change is dependent upon our own self efforts, we shift the power off the Almighty and embrace the devil’s lie that we can go it alone. If we are not careful we will find ourselves immersed in the words of books and neglectful of the Book of the Word. (Proverbs 16:20). When we place our confidence in Christ, we no longer have to live in high anxiety, fear, and the uncertainty of this life. Are you lacking confidence? Here is what your Father says: 1) Come to Me; I am grace and mercy. (Hebrews 4:16; Ephesians 3:12, Hebrews 10:19). 2) Trust in Me; I Am Faithful and True. (Hebrews 3:6, Deuteronomy 7:9). Rest in Me; I am your confidence; in Me you are complete. (2 Corinthians 3:1-6, 1 John 2:28). You can have confidence in this life not because you are self-made but because you are God-made. “It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;”(Psalm 100:3). The Creator and Lord of all formed you (Psalm 139:13), calls you (Isaiah 43:1), redeems you (Psalm 71:23), and cherishes you (Jeremiah 31:3). You can be confident because you are a blood bought child of God! “So do not throw away your confidence; it holds a great reward.” (Hebrews 10:35).

Heavenly Father, reveal Yourself to me. Increase my awareness of Your presence. Let my confidence be in You alone, my Savior and King, Amen.


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