Training Leaders Who Can Train Others – Part 1 – September 11, 2021


Training Leaders Who Can Train Others – Part 1

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2

Most church leaders would concede that people are their greatest resource. Which raises the question, why don’t we devote more time to training new leaders? One pastor admits that by failing to do this: ‘We limit the long-term growth and effectiveness of our organizations. Paul modelled this truth and changed the course of history. He cultivated other leaders around him, and taught them to do the same. He told his protégé, Timothy, “Teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will…pass them on.” That’s the essence of great leadership.’ When you devote time to developing leaders with a caring attitude, they learn to pass the same level of care on to the people they minister to. There are proven principles that apply to leadership in any organization, and the church is no exception. For example, Jon Gordon says: ‘Great customer service begins with being employee-focused first and customer-focused second. Too often organizations focus all their energy on the customer while ignoring the people who serve. This may work in the short run, but eventually employees become tired, burned out, negative, and resentful…Organizations who deliver the best service have a culture where employees are valued, listened to, and cared for. In turn these employees value, care for, and serve their customers…If you model great service, your people will share it. If you want your team to serve, serve them. If you want your people to care, care about them. If you want your team to love their work, love them. If you want your employees to be their best, give them your best.’ So are you training people who can train others?


Heavenly Father, as You have invested in me, help me invest in others to lead – coworkers, family, friends. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

One comment

  1. AMEN! So many of our churches, Pastors and church Chairmen feel they need to do it all; they are the only ones “qualified”. In my 89 years of church membership and much of that in some form of leadership, I realize that Management and Administration must not be taught in Seminaries. That’s o.k. I feel that the laity should take on that part and the Pastors are to be the Spiritual leaders, the inspirers, motivators, the spiritual encouragers, not the “managers”. Many church members are business people, line workers, moms, pops. All have “skills according to their abilities”. The church administrators and Pastors wonder why they are not growing or why they cannot keep up with the proper maintenance of the church properties. Over and over in my mind is this, “ye have not, because you ask not”. Dig deeper into the congregation’s membership. Don’t prejudge their willingness to serve, don’t fear of rejection, keep digging, asking and praying. Pastors, keep encouraging, enlightening and educating.

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