God Connects The Dots – July 26, 2022


God Connects The Dots

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. Isaiah 46:10

One day a businessman called his wife to say that he was bringing a foreign visitor home for dinner. His wife had three children in school and one toddler at home, so she had a full workload. But she consented, and the meal she prepared was both delicious and graciously served. The foreign guest, an important official in Spain, had a delightful time and thanked the couple repeatedly for inviting him and treating him to a home-cooked meal and an evening of family warmth and fellowship. Years later, friends of this family went to Spain as missionaries. But their work was brought to a standstill by government regulations. When this particular Spanish official got word that the missionaries were friends of the couple who’d hosted him in such a gracious manner, he used his influence to clear away the restrictions on their behalf. As a result, a vibrant and growing church was built in that province of Spain and people came to know Jesus Christ. Why? Because a busy wife and mother was willing to set an extra plate for a guest at her dinner table and that guest proved to be a ‘kingdom connection’. Like a wise businessperson, God sets the goal, then determines the plan required to reach it. In His Word He tells us: ‘I am God…declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure”’ (vv. 9-10). In other words, God connects the dots.

Heavenly Father, although I rarely see the complete picture, I know YOU do as YOU are the one that plans it. Help me trust you to connect the dots. In Jesus name, Amen

One comment

  1. Hey Tim!!
    I loved this devotional!! As I have told you before, I’ve been wanting to work in something directly related to Jesus’ Ministry. So I will patiently wait for God to connect the dots in my life!!
    Have a great and blessed rest of the week!!

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