Do Not Give In to Resentment – Forgive Them – December 28, 2024


Do Not Give In to Resentment – Forgive Them

“Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.” (Job 5:2)

For reasons known only to God and Satan, Job lost his money, his children, and his health. If ever a man had cause to be resentful, it was him. But Eliphaz advised him, ‘Resentment kills a fool.’ In other words, ‘The only thing that can hurt me more than what has already happened is allowing resentment to rule my mind and dictate my actions.’

You say, ‘But I want justice!’ How much justice? Imagine your enemy for a moment. Picture him strapped to a whipping post. The strong-armed man with a whip turns to you and asks, ‘How many lashes?’ And you give a number. The whip cracks, the blood flows, and the punishment is inflicted. Your foe slumps to the ground, and you walk away. Are you happy now? Do you feel better? Are you at peace? For a little while, but soon another memory will surface, and another lash will be needed.

When does it all stop? It stops when you take seriously the words of Jesus: ‘If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins’ (Matthew 6:14-15). When you pray, ‘Treat me as I treat my neighbor’ (see Matthew 6:12), are you aware of what you’re really saying to God? ‘Give me what I give them. Grant me the same peace I grant them. Let me enjoy the same tolerance I offer them.’

If you want peace, make peace. If you want God’s generosity, be generous to others. If you want the assurance of God’s forgiveness, extend forgiveness to others.

Heavenly Father – there is no time better than today to forgive others and move on with Your peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


One comment

  1. the timing of this devotion was absolutely perfect in my life. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit fueled this devotion and it landed on the doorstep of my heart.

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