Should You Just Do You? (Part 1/3)* – January 6, 2025

2025-01-06 PCS     

“Repent of your wrongdoing and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” (Matthew 3:2)

I heard it again this week, “Just be who you are.” There are other variations of this encouragement that go like this: Be true to yourself and just do you. And while there certainly is value in seeking to be genuine and sincere to the unique design God has personalized for each of us, I have to wonder if we have over-applied this idea today.

First of three reasons: It can be used as an excuse for bad behavior. Have you ever been on the other end of receiving this line after being wronged? “I’m sorry about that, but that’s just who I am.” When we run out of reasons to explain something we said, did, or didn’t say, or left undone, these phrases often become the last line of defense for our self-justification.

Our culture is currently filled with self-justification for many behaviors that are common among us, but not acceptable to God, our Creator. To this, the Scriptures encourage repentance, calling us to turn away from our sins and turn toward a new identity in Jesus. “Repent of your wrongdoing and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” (Matthew 3:2)

Lord Jesus, we do ask that You would help us to be convicted of those things that we do that are against your Word. That we would see ourselves as being more than just human beings that are merely sinful. But that knowing that You have saved us, You call us to repentance, You call us to confess those sins and to receive the New Life and the New Way of living that You bring to us.

Grant to us Your Holy Spirit, to both confess our sin, to be mindful of it, but also to live in the New Way that is truly our identity. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Part 2 of the “Should You Just Do You?” devotion will be released on Monday, January 13, 2025.

One comment

  1. “That’s just who I am” requires the retort that you don’t really know who you are. Then invite the person to examine their spirit and determine their true identity. That’s all you can do for it is up to them to make their way along their path.

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