He Has Risen! – April 4, 2021


THe Has Risen!

Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee? Luke 24:5-6

Two little boys were watching a caterpillar crawling along the sidewalk. They also noticed a butterfly soaring above them, so grace-fully. One said to the other, looking at the butterfly, “You’ll never catch me in one of those things!”
But Easter enables us to fly on the wings of the Resurrected Lord, even when we might prefer at times to stay grounded! He has lifted us from the weight of our sins and has given us His love and forgiveness to fuel us. We are “Risen Driven” to continue to live as Easter people in a Good Friday world!
Celebrating Christ’s Resurrection reminds us that every day is Easter from now on because the Lord is alive and living in and through us! And so we fly into the world of death and destruction and back into our Galilees, which look very similar to our own communities –our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our schools, and even our churches. Because of Easter, we know that the Lord is already there, empowering us to bring health, hope, and healing to those around us.
Living Easter today: Celebrate the day by sharing special joys with special people in special ways, and watch for both the caterpillars and the butterflies in your life!

Thank You Lord, for rising from the grave and for making us Easter People with alleluia as our song! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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